Nelson, Lancashire, UK class="st0" cx="4.4" cy="3.4" r="0.8"/>

Full Moon Reflections

Whenever we reach a peak moment in life, a full Moon moment when things are coming to fruition, we can be sure that there is a past which has led to this moment, a hidden beginning when the seed was sown at the dark of the Moon and at a time of promise and development when the Moon was in its crescent phase.

– Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas, The Luminaries: The Psychology of the Sun and Moon in the Horoscope (1992)

A number of artists and creative practitioners were invited to join the Physic Garden Network in 2021. Some of these undertook what we have come to know as ‘full moon reflections’, something half way between a residency and a commission. They were asked to work with women in the network or respond to what was happening there through their practice.

We celebrate these reflections on the full moon of that month.

Date: 21.09.2021 Location: online class="st0" cx="4.4" cy="3.4" r="0.8"/> Duration: 1 month
Date: 22.08.2021 Location: online class="st0" cx="4.4" cy="3.4" r="0.8"/> Duration: 1 month
Date: 20.10.2021 Location: online class="st0" cx="4.4" cy="3.4" r="0.8"/> Duration: 1 month
Date: 29.09.2024 Location: Online class="st0" cx="4.4" cy="3.4" r="0.8"/> Duration: 1 year
Date: 25.03.2024 Location: WhatsApp class="st0" cx="4.4" cy="3.4" r="0.8"/> Duration: 3 months