Jazmin Morris is a Creative Computing Artist and Educator based in London. Her personal practice and research explore representation and inclusivity within technology. She uses virtual reality and open-source game development tools to create experiences that highlight issues surrounding gender, race and power; focusing on the complexities within simulating culture and identity. Here she talks with the network about Care and Community, about open source knowledge and fogring places of belonging in the lead up to her visit to Lancashire and the in person workshop taht some of the group are able to join.
06/09/2021, 17:59
Hello everyone how are you?
06/09/2021, 18:00
Hello all well here
06/09/2021, 18:00
Today the lovely Jazmin Morris is going to chat to us a bit about her work
06/09/2021, 18:00
06/09/2021, 18:01
Hello darlings
06/09/2021, 18:01
Good afternoon to all . It's a lovely sunny day
06/09/2021, 18:01
Hello all!!!
06/09/2021, 18:02
Hi isn't it beautiful? I really thought summer was over until today happened
06/09/2021, 18:02
Jazmin is one of the artists we've commissioned to work with the Physic Garden Network to produce artworks for the internet, these are "launched" each full moon via our website
06/09/2021, 18:02
Heeey everyone I'm Jazmin, I am delighted to be having a chat with you all this evening!
06/09/2021, 18:03
I was greeted with this on my door
06/09/2021, 18:03
Good sign
06/09/2021, 18:04
Colour is a bit deceiving it had turquoise marking s
06/09/2021, 18:04
Hello to all sisters sorry I get busy with my Ammi but I do check messages when I can..so I have to put my pic too..
06/09/2021, 18:05
no stress at all, it's nice to see you even if briefly
06/09/2021, 18:06
a hawk moth of some kind! What a find. Very lucky
06/09/2021, 18:06
Last week my cat has eaten one butterfly like this today he was sleeping so I had to save this one..
06/09/2021, 18:06
I am going to tell you a little bit about my artistic practice and hopefully have a chat with you about some of my research around the tech industry and community initiatives. I won't take up the full evening as I'm sure there is lots of herb/bug talk to be done tonight too 🌿🐛
06/09/2021, 18:07
okay okay if you're all agreed! it's good luck, I'm just afeared of insects after what the aphids did to my nasturtiums
06/09/2021, 18:07
Ha ha, thank you Jazmin, take all the time you want please We all are really looking forward to hearing more about what you do and how it connects with what we're up to here
06/09/2021, 18:08
Also I'm super chill so happy to leave a few messages behind and folks can read/engage when you have the chance
06/09/2021, 18:08
Really looking forward to tonight. I have no idea what I’m gonna learn but it’s gonna be a good one
06/09/2021, 18:09
06/09/2021, 18:09
Me too
06/09/2021, 18:09
I also have very long nails so please excuse my slow typing 🤣
06/09/2021, 18:09
Damn ♥️♥️♥️
06/09/2021, 18:10
You code with those !!
06/09/2021, 18:10
Apparently so 🤣💅🏽
06/09/2021, 18:11
Hey - I dig with these
06/09/2021, 18:12
omg it's UNCANNY
06/09/2021, 18:12
😂😂😂 hands tell 1000 stories
06/09/2021, 18:13
I'm going to post my artist bio in the chat and then break it down for everyone in a kind of 'so what does that actually mean' manner
06/09/2021, 18:14
Also please jump in with questions at any point!
06/09/2021, 18:14
Hi everyone
06/09/2021, 18:17
Jazmin Morris is a Creative Computing Artist and Educator based in London. Her personal practice and research explore representation and inclusivity within technology. She uses virtual reality and open-source game development tools to create experiences that highlight issues surrounding gender, race and power; focusing on the complexities within simulating culture and identity. Jazmin is the Lead Digital Tutor on the Graphic Communication Design course at Central Saint Martins as well a Lecturer in Creative Computing and Digital Outreach at UAL’s Creative Computing Institute.
06/09/2021, 18:17
After I have unpacked this ☝🏽‚ will then move on to...'so what has all of this got to do with us'.
06/09/2021, 18:17
So looking forward to this
06/09/2021, 18:18
Me too Super intersting bio 👏🏽
06/09/2021, 18:18
My niece Fatima would like those nails she has hers done once a month
06/09/2021, 18:19
Me also
06/09/2021, 18:19
06/09/2021, 18:21
How wonderful if real
06/09/2021, 18:22
Ha ha I don't know if you're allowed to ask
06/09/2021, 18:22
So first of all...What is creative computing???? It's really broad! To me, it means working with any technology in a creative way. Of course this can look like creating websites or digital games but it can also be really experiential, like interactive installations. It also covers virtual reality and 3d modelling. I try not to stay in one place but some people choose to specialise.
06/09/2021, 18:23
06/09/2021, 18:26
A little bit about my practice...
I identify as a black and queer fem, when I was growing up there was minimal representation for folks that I could truly relate to. When I began working in digital mediums, I faced the same issues, if not worse. However, for the first time I felt a sense of empowerment. I could build things myself! This is where my passion and self taught skill development began for the technology industry.
06/09/2021, 18:27
Ooo good one... I really enjoy 3d spaces so 3d modelling and virtual reality I think
06/09/2021, 18:31
I did a lot of research into the games industry and the problematic representation of identity and culture. My journey began here, making games/experiences.
As my network grew I became more aware of the colonial history of the technology industry as a whole and developed a better understanding of why we see the issues that we see today.
And then I decided that I want a way to share knowledge/skills/power...
06/09/2021, 18:31
We talk slot about creating spaces to belong. I sometimes think that not belonging somewhere although it is painful in many ways it offers us creative freedom to make it what we want to be...even if just for a moment. I suppose what I'm saying is thanks for making space for all the rest of us to join you...
06/09/2021, 18:33
Yes! I completely agree, creativity really sits at the heart of belonging in my opinion 🤎
06/09/2021, 18:33
Aw so nicely said
06/09/2021, 18:33
❤️ right back at you!
06/09/2021, 18:34
Sharing skills / knowledge / power is what were all about, so glad we found likeminded women like you to work with
06/09/2021, 18:35
After being a freelance digital artist for a while I was still fixated on this idea of sharing knowledge/skills/power, not only that but ensuring that diverse audiences are reached, in order to try and break the mainstream really
06/09/2021, 18:35
Yes! 🥰🥰🌿 its a perfect fit!
06/09/2021, 18:37
And so I began running workshops, working with people and really allowing my practice to morph into the medium of knowledge exchange.
I have ran many workshops teaching many different skills in the 'creative computing' umbrella in the hope that other people may find the agency to take ownership of the technology industry (and hopefully beyond) 💫
06/09/2021, 18:38
This really organically led into my teaching roles at universities. However I still run loads of workshops on the side and the uni (although it has its issues) really allows me to dig into my social impact work 🥰👩🏽💻
06/09/2021, 18:39
I did something similar using libraries to pass on knowledge to people on the dole
06/09/2021, 18:41
Is there an exercise we could do on our phones (limited tech, I know) that will give us an idea of what you do?
06/09/2021, 18:44
Yeeees, this sounds very up my street
06/09/2021, 18:45
I really want to do some work in libraries and also just put a bid in to run a coding course for people on job seekers!
06/09/2021, 18:46
06/09/2021, 18:46
That sounds great and similar to the sessions we ran
06/09/2021, 18:54
That's a good question but also we're already participating in a workshop with jazmin on our phones...maybe we're a more tech crew than we like to admit!
06/09/2021, 18:55
Yes is the short answer, there is. I can send some of the bits over that I work with below however I personally think they are kinda inaccessible with no introduction. Part of the issue with the tech industry is the interface, which is why I do what I do.
Anyway, for coding
06/09/2021, 18:56
Cool 👍🏾
06/09/2021, 18:57
And yes 🤯🤯🤯
06/09/2021, 18:58
06/09/2021, 18:58
To be honest, most web based software works on a smartphone its just the screen may be a little small.
Is really good for 3d modelling/electronics and block based coding for beginners x
06/09/2021, 19:02
Enough about me 🥰🥰 unless anyone has any questions! I am now just going to leave some food for thought more on the overlap between this beautiful community and my practice and research 🌿👩🏽💻
06/09/2021, 19:11
One thing about this group that struck me is the amount of care needed to fuel it. Care for the herbs, care for each other, care for the earth... 🌿🌎
I think if the technology industry was fueled on care instead of money we would be in a better position 🥰 so how can we build care into the industry? I am still pondering... but I know that people and workshops/discussions are a good start
06/09/2021, 19:11
Oo first of all it isn't problematic that you asked if my nails are real 🥰💅🏽
06/09/2021, 19:12
Responding wholeheartedly about care
06/09/2021, 19:12
My tech is deffo a creative outlet, there's something about the logical creativity that I really enjoy 🎨
My nails are not real though 🤣
06/09/2021, 19:12
🥲🥲🥲 if only the world was built around care 😭😭😭
06/09/2021, 19:13
this little corner is
06/09/2021, 19:13
06/09/2021, 19:16
I don't believe tech can create care like connecting with the living world can & does.
We are born from & of plants, we are part of the living world .
Tech is not ‚ it’s the same screen at the start & end of the day.
06/09/2021, 19:19
Another thing that struck me about this network is the community that is at the centre of it.
Open source technology (tech that is developed to be edited/shared/changed) and not owned I believe is the start of a better technology industry but I still think we have a long way to go and a lot to learn.
06/09/2021, 19:19
What if tech can create connections to facilitate living connections though. For example sharing information about what is happening in another part of the world makes me care....
06/09/2021, 19:22
🌿🌹🌱🌺🌻 I agree, nothing is like mother nature and nothing ever will be.
However, the tech industry doesn't have much care knitted into it at all, and since it is so apparent in all of our lives, I figured I wanted to make everyone's experiences a little more care inspired
06/09/2021, 19:22
Yes & no ‚ tech is relentless and I find it overwhelming to see so much pain& destruction
06/09/2021, 19:22
Tech for me is like a gun, spoon or pen. The human in control is in control of the care, or not 🌈
06/09/2021, 19:23
06/09/2021, 19:23
Very true!
06/09/2021, 19:24
It's a wonderful, radical and hopeful suggestion. So, so simple
06/09/2021, 19:24
A lot of tech seems big and unknowable and changing faster than I can pull my knickers up and sometimes I think we're just not evolved enough for it but when I think of the collective power we have eg new forms of activism that can make change....more women and girls in tech please... specially AI for god's sake please in AI....also brilliant painting
06/09/2021, 19:25
And I totally appreciate the effort & attitude that you work with 🙏
06/09/2021, 19:26
Couldn't of said it better honestly. That's exactly why I do what I do 👩🏽💻
06/09/2021, 19:26
And thank you for the websites
06/09/2021, 19:26
How can we help!?!
06/09/2021, 19:26
That’s the amazing thing I feel about tech, is that it’s made the world smaller and information readily available. So now we can’t hide from the atrocities created by ourselves.
It is relentless you’re right but I think that’s because pain and destruction are relentless for a lot of people.
The privilege of tech tho unlike pain it can be switched off 🌈
06/09/2021, 19:29
I like that sentiment that is what we are all about
06/09/2021, 19:30
It seems so important to share knowledge and create together. I think one of the biggest and damaging untruths is that individuals make or author anything.. the idea that a genius exists in isolation. Every one of us is relating and learning from everyone around us all the time...
06/09/2021, 19:31
I agree there's barely such a thing as "tech" or "nature" anymore, technologies much older than the internet have shaped our natural world and of course nature shapes tech, even we are never fully detached from either
06/09/2021, 19:31
06/09/2021, 19:31
Team work dream work baby ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾
06/09/2021, 19:31
100% agree it’s such a damaging fallacy in the arts at the very least
06/09/2021, 19:34
Hell everyone and Jazmin sooo sorry I have got late been baby sitting my grandchild. I will read all the messages and will try to catch up xxc
06/09/2021, 19:34
Lovely to see you! Is that your new tiny one?
06/09/2021, 19:36
Yes his nursery starting on Wednesday parents were at work. Just got free now. How are you?
06/09/2021, 19:36
Beautiful words, again I agree. There's something about engaging and consuming i think, fine line x
06/09/2021, 19:37
Mmm not sure, tech from science our way of quantifying and making sense of the world and of course always a need to 'reach further' but when I am in nature I don't feel I need to make sense of it because it is my very being the understanding is in my cells
06/09/2021, 19:37
What also bugs me is that the technology used to spread information about people is often not inclusive of the people that it is spreading information about
06/09/2021, 19:38
06/09/2021, 19:38
I have must have missed a lot of interesting conversations but will read all the messages and will try to learn whatever I can. Regards to all the lovely ladies xx
06/09/2021, 19:39
Yes, at this point, it's an extension of our reality. Another reason that I enjoy VR (virtual reality)
06/09/2021, 19:39
06/09/2021, 19:40
I guess I can feel like that in technology too sometimes
06/09/2021, 19:40
It must be me then cos even in nature I wanna know more and go further
06/09/2021, 19:40
Cool! That must be something!
06/09/2021, 19:41
Sends ya west doesn’t it 🤯🤯🤯
06/09/2021, 19:41
But what I'm trying to say is that nature and natural things aren't exactly and purely that, everything is connected, and although I agree screens and social media are damaging, welcoming in some forms of technology and being "in" it and part of it could really help shape it differently
06/09/2021, 19:41
This is the best way forward give each and all a chance to get involved and have a chance to Express themselves
06/09/2021, 19:42
Riaz: I am fasting so I will take my leave to pray.
06/09/2021, 19:42
Oh my oh my. Just been looking at nails....... will need to catch up as grandma duties took over.....
06/09/2021, 19:42
Yesss, I run a really cool workshop on the history of tech actually!
Fun fact: the abacus (2nd century bc) was the first computer