16/08/2021, 19:34
Is it more/less bitter than your tea?
16/08/2021, 19:34
It’s the same really 😁
16/08/2021, 19:35
Kerala is bitterer ☺️
16/08/2021, 19:35
That's interesting! Wait til the flowers come then! I usually find them incredibly bitter! Fragrant, perfumed and bitter!
16/08/2021, 19:37
Can you feel the yarrow tea in any part of your body as you drink it? For example, are you becoming more aware of any body part, even subtly so? Or are you burping or farming suddenly? Or has your mood changed - more serious, more light/happy? All things to search your body for 😊
16/08/2021, 19:37
Hi ladies sorry I’m not upto date as i need read up but just a quick question any tips for period pain relief x
16/08/2021, 19:37
Farting not farming!!
16/08/2021, 19:37
Because of this I would probably cook it with fish rather than mince. ☺️ Lighter flavour ☺️
16/08/2021, 19:38
Tingly tongue...
16/08/2021, 19:38
Yarrow and fennel would be a great combo with fish! I think you're right!
16/08/2021, 19:38
I'm finding it very comforting and relaxing. My sinuses are opening and my head and shoulders feel more relaxed
16/08/2021, 19:39
Yes! Slightly antiseptic?
16/08/2021, 19:39
Also just burped 😆
16/08/2021, 19:39
16/08/2021, 19:39
I can feel that tingly antiseptic tongue thing
16/08/2021, 19:39
Excellent! 😁 A sign its working on the liver/gallbladder..👍
16/08/2021, 19:39
I’m rocking gently from side to side ☺️
16/08/2021, 19:40
I love the way your multitasking...learning, tasting, inventing pioneering new recipes, rocking...
16/08/2021, 19:40
What does that feel like?
16/08/2021, 19:40
Oh yeah my sinuses have relaxed too! Whole middle of my head feels clearer, including my ears It's a bit numbing on the tongue, reminds me of the dentist tbh
16/08/2021, 19:40
Soft smile happening, feeling lighter
16/08/2021, 19:40
Quite nice in my belly ☺️
16/08/2021, 19:41
Ooh burp 🏅
16/08/2021, 19:41
I find yarrow amazing for its ability to clear the head..
16/08/2021, 19:42
I suddenly feel quite hot
16/08/2021, 19:42
Throat and mouth soothing I think.
16/08/2021, 19:42
16/08/2021, 19:42
...and sweaty!
16/08/2021, 19:43
My head my back, my calves...everywhere but these places especially
16/08/2021, 19:43
It is a diaphoretic - ie helps you sweat. It is also a diuretic- ie makes you pee more so you might have to be going to the toilet soon!
16/08/2021, 19:44
Yeah! Have to take my jumper off
16/08/2021, 19:44
oh my days, this is like magic
16/08/2021, 19:44
Yes, its very good at opening up the peripheral circulation, ie the blood vessels close to the skin..
16/08/2021, 19:45
Yarrow "opens us up" internally - it used to be given to anorexic people to help open their appetite and open themselves up to themselves..
16/08/2021, 19:46
Any other sensations/feelings anyone?
16/08/2021, 19:46
Yes off to the loo.
16/08/2021, 19:47
Rumbly, hungry belly feels and another burp 😆
16/08/2021, 19:47
All of the above
16/08/2021, 19:48
Great! Really stimulating your appetite there! Hope you've got a good meal ready and waiting..😃
16/08/2021, 19:48
Mara Herbalist: Excellent
16/08/2021, 19:49
Ooh, ears have actually popped too, nice. I'll have to overlook the dentistry association and make this a regular tea for me - is it okay for frequent use?
16/08/2021, 19:49
Yes some of my friends have used marigold for toothache with success
16/08/2021, 19:50
Mara Herbalist: Definitely! (As long as you're not pregnant🙂) In fact, in the old days, women were expected to drink this regularly to keep themselves in good order both inside and out!
16/08/2021, 19:52
Mainly hungry now.
16/08/2021, 19:52
Energetically speaking, yarrow is said to "tighten our subtle boundaries, reducing susceptibility to negativity from others" (Anne McIntyre).
16/08/2021, 19:54
That is a very positive effect for self esteem.
16/08/2021, 19:54
So, it strengthens our sense of self while helping to put in place stronger boundaries to negative influences..I see this physically as well in the way it helps to get our blood moving around our body, close to the surface, helping to repel flu, cold and other viral invaders!
16/08/2021, 19:55
I’m down with Yarrow 🥰
16/08/2021, 19:55
Yes, indeed. I feel yarrow is immensely strengthening for women, yet so gentle- it is absolutely one of my favourite herbs 💚💚
16/08/2021, 19:55
And its down with you! 😍😍
16/08/2021, 19:57
I love how the medicine works on all of these levels, practically physically emotionally and spiritually
16/08/2021, 19:58
I think I'm going to try drinking it every day for a while
16/08/2021, 19:58
After I've eaten, I might go out and pick some fresh and see how the fresh, flowery tea differs from the dried I'm suddenly extremely keen on yarrow too
16/08/2021, 19:58
Thank you for a great yarrow session today and for getting me to grow the yarrow
16/08/2021, 19:59
That’s wonderful - experiment, experiment! That’s how to know the herbs deeply
16/08/2021, 19:59
Another great session - going to pot up some yarrow to bring home to sit by my back door. Thank you all. X
16/08/2021, 19:59
So glad I got here on time to participate today, it's been lovely
16/08/2021, 20:00
Thank you, would yarrow not be recommended for someone on blood thinners then?
16/08/2021, 20:01
Thank you all for another joyous Monday evening.
16/08/2021, 20:01
It can help to strengthen blood vessel walls (via its rutin) so I think would be ok, especially if only occasional..
16/08/2021, 20:01
Absolutely banging. Thank you all for being part of this