One of the many uses for the herbs the Physic Garden Network grew together is bath salts. You don't necessarily need a bath, some women in the group mixed up salts and used them to soak their feet in a bucket. It was good to find out that you don't need to use dried herbs either, fresh work just as well as the salt preserves them, and, in a pinch, herbal tea bags also do the trick.
04/11/2021, 19:23
And for those wanting to make salts "live", here are some suggested ingredients for that:
– Sea salt that you use for cooking is absolutely great, you can just buy from a store near you. This is the one that Alys uses but
– Dried Lavender
– Camomile (can be a tea bag)
– Calendula
– Rose petals
– Rosemary
– Eucalyptus (if you're making a foot soak)
– Elderflower (dried)
– Clary Sage
04/11/2021, 19:23
If you don't happen to have the ingredients to hand or are not able to order them for Monday but you'd still like to make a balm or salts, fear not as a little final package will be winging its way to you later this month 🙏🏼
08/11/2021, 18:53
Are people ready for bath 🛁 🧂 chat yet?
08/11/2021, 18:53
Yes please
08/11/2021, 18:53
Yes please
08/11/2021, 18:54
Well bath salts are VERY simple but a lot of fun because once you get into them you realise you can have so many different heavenly soaks ahead.
08/11/2021, 18:54
08/11/2021, 18:54
Can you use Epsom salts?
08/11/2021, 18:55
You need salt of some kind. This could be Epsom salt or sea salt or Himalayan salt. I tend to just buy which ever is cheapest in bulk.
08/11/2021, 18:56
Thanks x
08/11/2021, 18:56
The best sea salt I get comes from a Turkish supermarket and is sold for fermenting vegetables. Sometimes I also get great Korean sea salt for the same reason. Both cults pickle on a large scale so you get huuuuge bags. Though clearly more local salt makes for more environmentally friendly soak!
08/11/2021, 18:56
I always thought we needed Epsom salt so it's good to know we can use any salt
08/11/2021, 18:57
Then you need a good container for the bathroom because clearly the space is damp and you don’t want wet salt.
08/11/2021, 18:58
I accidentally ordered a massive sack op Epsom salts off eBay last year
08/11/2021, 18:58
If you have bad Ezcema , which I do, sea salt is one if the few things that calms and kills bad bacteria off your skin genetly. Which is why I’m obsessed with the stuff.
08/11/2021, 18:59
Ooh that’s good to know about eczema
08/11/2021, 18:59
I like to use mason jars with a wide enough mouth that you can get your hand in.
08/11/2021, 19:00
And if I am soaking for eczema I use enough salt for it to taste like the sea. I actually just scoul a bit up and taste it to make sure I have enough. But if I am using it just for an ordinary soak, then I use three handfuls.
08/11/2021, 19:00
Now you have your salt sorted you can start flavouring it…
08/11/2021, 19:01
Here are my favourites. I’m going to use ratios to explain quantities
1 part flavour to X parts salt.
08/11/2021, 19:02
Also for fresh herbs you don’t need to dry them first because the salt will naturally preserve them. But it’s equally good to use dried herbs you might have bought from a shop
08/11/2021, 19:03
Of course it is
08/11/2021, 19:03
1 part Rosemary (leaves removed from their stems) to three parts salt.
This bath is really enlivening. It’s one to have for a night out.
08/11/2021, 19:04
I part lavender flower heads: 2 or 3 parts salt
This is a dreamy bath, more lavender the more dreamy.
I also sometimes add rose petals to this one too
08/11/2021, 19:06
I love, love chamomile salt baths, so calming before bed. I often cheat if I don’t have enough of my own chamomile and just open up a chamomile tea bag and use that.
I use 1 tea bag to 6 parts salt. You don’t need much!
08/11/2021, 19:07
Because chamomile is naturally anti fungal I find this mixture is really good for my skin.
08/11/2021, 19:08
Oh cool! Do you have to leave the herbs to infuse in the salts before putting in bath? Thanks
08/11/2021, 19:08
Chamomile is very good for skin and digestion isn't it. Inside and out!
08/11/2021, 19:08
How do you avoid getting lots of bits stuck in your hair etc?
08/11/2021, 19:09
I used to get really bad eczema as a child and my mom used to put oats in a muslin cloth in the bath and it seemed to sooth my skin?
08/11/2021, 19:09
Yeah, I make up big batches of salt soaks.
08/11/2021, 19:09
Great and put them in the jars?
08/11/2021, 19:09
Yeah this works. I often add oats in tights to the salt bath.
08/11/2021, 19:09
Yes, exactly.
08/11/2021, 19:10
I got one of those jars for a £1 in a charity shop near me so might be a good place for people to look for themselves locally x
08/11/2021, 19:11
that's really lovely
08/11/2021, 19:11
I never dunk my head in these baths. I’m also don’t wash either (I do wash, just not in these baths!). I treat them very much like a medicine.
08/11/2021, 19:11
I love that. A medicine bath.
08/11/2021, 19:12
Ooh yeah a medicine bath that’s a really good kinder fir it to separate from cleaning baths I like that x
08/11/2021, 19:12
I’m quite ritualistic about them. I read by candle light, I stay in them for at least 30 minutes.
08/11/2021, 19:12
For those who don't bathe in baths could a salt be used as a scrub or would it be too hard? I was just wandering about combining it with an infused oil...I made that up but would it work?
08/11/2021, 19:13
A footbath maybe!
08/11/2021, 19:13
Oh nice one . That makes sense
08/11/2021, 19:13
Exactly! Very concentrated
08/11/2021, 19:14
I’m not into scrubbing! I think it might just be because I have sensitive skin.
08/11/2021, 19:14
Bizarrely I did some packaging for a guy once who was coming up with an idea for attachment to a shower that you could put oils in that would come through shower for those who might not use baths
08/11/2021, 19:14
Thanks, I would like that Try growing Grapefruit as well the leaf has a little added leaf like a double leaf .
08/11/2021, 19:14
I also always use a sink strainer with all this baths. Otherwise you end up with a plugged up drain!
08/11/2021, 19:16
and 😆 I was just thinking of the story about a soya plant growing up out of someone's bath plughole after they'd been using a certain soap company's complicated products 😄
08/11/2021, 19:16
I think a foot bath will be the way forward to me…. Sadly I don’t have a bath :(
08/11/2021, 19:16
Recently I’ve also enjoyed
1 part crushed fresh bay leaves
1 part chamomile
3 parts salt
It’s really good. Great for unwinding tense shoulder muscles from too much scrolling
08/11/2021, 19:17
I like the sound of bay leaves in a bath
08/11/2021, 19:18
and Me too. Think I might make that right now...
08/11/2021, 19:19
08/11/2021, 19:19
Also I love, love, love
Calendula flowers in the bath. There’s something about their anti microbial properties which work really well for skin flare ups.
I use
1 part calendula to 2 parts salt.
08/11/2021, 19:19
Haha great
08/11/2021, 19:21
I also make a mixture
Of calendula, lavender flowers, rose petals and oat straw (the dried green parts of the oat plant),
Which I either drink as a tea before bed or I add to the bath!
08/11/2021, 19:21
Oh yes I have heard of this too
08/11/2021, 19:22
If you can drink something a herbal tea you can basically bathe in it! The skin is your largest organ and very absorbent!
08/11/2021, 19:23
If you don’t want to use a bath strainer. You can make up little muslin bags and drop these in.
These also make lovely Christmas presents
08/11/2021, 19:24
It's so lovely, as the nights draw in and the cold weather comes to have these comforting recipe ideas. I feel soothed and inspired.
08/11/2021, 19:24
I was thinking the same
08/11/2021, 19:24
Brilliant present idea 😊
08/11/2021, 19:25
I think a lovely sleep balm with lavender and camomile would be great.
After a soothing oat bath 🤤
08/11/2021, 19:26
Could you use the Muslin bags in the shower somehow maybe tie near shower head ?
08/11/2021, 19:27
I can’t see why not. I sometime tie big branches of eucalyptus to the shower head for an enlivening morning wake up. Smells wonderful
08/11/2021, 19:27
And I love these more assertive herbs...nettle and rosemary to directly help pain and discomfort. How amazing to have these friends.
08/11/2021, 19:27
Oooh I love the sound of the eucalyptus branch in the shower!!
08/11/2021, 19:28
Hello everyone sorry I'm sooo late missed all the good conversation I had doctor appointment will read all the messages later it's too late to catch up now .I hope you are all OK and keeping safe xxx
08/11/2021, 19:28
Eucalyptus salt soak is a great one for a foot bath, I find the salt extracts a lot of essence and it’s a bit too much for a bath for me, but I know lots of people love it.
08/11/2021, 19:28
That would suit us we have a baby tree in our garden and it grows so fast we are always giving leaves and branches away !
08/11/2021, 19:28
Aww yes I might buy a grapefruit next time and try it xx
08/11/2021, 19:29
08/11/2021, 19:29
You tends to find lots of eucalyptus windfall branches in parks this time of year.
08/11/2021, 19:30
I’m a real worrier. But I have taught myself that these baths are the one place I am not allowed to do any worrying in. And for some reason this self imposed rule really works. Maybe it’s the plants helping out.
08/11/2021, 19:31
I am drinking calendula and marigold tea grown in our own garden ! I just love the fresh flavour
08/11/2021, 19:32
It’s soooo good. Whenever I end up drinking calendula I’ve bought from a health fits shop is always so dull in colour and just less vibrant in flavour.
08/11/2021, 19:33
Hi, hope your doing alright, so lovely that you could make it x
08/11/2021, 19:34
Yes we have a bay that we cook with everyday and im sure it multiplies over night!
08/11/2021, 19:34
Does anyone know a good hair rinse. My hair is so dry
08/11/2021, 19:35
Oh finally I found that if you can get in waxed oranges. I get mine from crowd farming where you can buy a box direct from the farmer. You get to eat a delicious orange and then you can dry the peel. Because it’s has no chemicals on the skin and no waxes, just a small handful.
Say 1 part crushed dried peel to 5 parts salt. Makes for just an amazing smelling bath, it’s like you are in the orange groves.
08/11/2021, 19:35
Home grown is extra special x
08/11/2021, 19:36
Have you tried Rosemary?
08/11/2021, 19:37
No not tried rosemary.
08/11/2021, 19:37
I make a version of this
08/11/2021, 19:37
I use Rosemary it’s good for dry skin
08/11/2021, 19:38
My rosemary died off last winter
08/11/2021, 19:38
I basically get a huge sprig of Rosemary and boil it up in water till it turns the water dark tea brown. Put it in a spray bottle and use it daily when I have a dry scalp/hair.
You do need to store it in the fridge otherwise it’s starts fermenting!
08/11/2021, 19:39
That looks good thank you
08/11/2021, 19:39
Also if darken your hair, which is either great or disastrous…
08/11/2021, 19:40
Not worried about darkening hair its quite dark anyway
08/11/2021, 19:41
Anyone have any bath salt recipes they use at home?
08/11/2021, 19:42
Salaam hope you are ok . You can catch up later .
08/11/2021, 19:43
Brilliant i will try this i have got very dry hair
08/11/2021, 19:44
We have a few I will try to grow some grapefruit seeds too.
08/11/2021, 19:45
On the more extreme end of medical baths a friend of mine had a very serious skin infection and she crushed and ground a head of garlic, left it for 10 minutes to release the medicinal allicin (which is antibiotic like penicillin) and she put it into muslin cloth and put in the hot bath and it worked incredibly well.
08/11/2021, 19:45
Walacumaslam I'm fine with your duaas JazakAllah xxx
08/11/2021, 19:47
I haven't ventured further than the rosemary but I'm going to now!
08/11/2021, 19:47
Wow, I can see how that would work. You can do the same thing in a foot soak for nail fungus 🤢. But I fo know that you can’t soak for long because raw garlic can burn the skin
08/11/2021, 19:47
Sorry I meant Camomile and Marigold tea yes the flavour and colour is so refreshing from our own garden .
08/11/2021, 19:48
Yes it's a serious intervention but an affective one and she said it was surprisingly not as bad as she feared!
08/11/2021, 19:48
I’m always surprised that marigold tea isn’t more popular.
08/11/2021, 19:49
Sage or Rosemary are both good hair since.
08/11/2021, 19:49
An old friend used to say that rosemary salt baths put our spirit back in our body. I always thought she was right. After a hard stressful day I feel restored and grounded by a rosemary salt bath.
08/11/2021, 19:50
That’s such a nice way of putting it.
I swear by a Rosemary soak, then in your towel so you are all hot and toasty getting under the duvet for a 15 minute micro nap and however exhausted you were before you’ll have enough energy to keep going again.
08/11/2021, 19:51
That sounds heavenly
08/11/2021, 19:53
Oh I feel a bath coming on😊
08/11/2021, 19:54
A bath and a cup of marigold and chamomile tea!
08/11/2021, 19:55
Excellent xx
08/11/2021, 19:55
I'm warming my towel now ready Hahaha
08/11/2021, 19:56
We will be posting out one last Physic Garden Network pack for everyone with a. Few of these ingredients so you can have a go at making some balms and bath salts at home this winter x
08/11/2021, 19:57
Oo thank you
08/11/2021, 19:58
Oh I can't wait thank-you😊
08/11/2021, 19:58
Ahh that’s so very kind, thanks
08/11/2021, 19:59
This is like an early holiday present 🥰
08/11/2021, 19:59
Thank you x such a great and kind idea, super excited to give it a go
08/11/2021, 20:01
Thank you! I moved out from the place I originally registered... I'm sending you a pm with my new adress
08/11/2021, 20:02
I've loved this evening, thank you everyone. It felt like a delightful ritual space of balms and baths and holistic herbals....and such welcome company to spend time with you all. These Mondays mean a lot to me thank you Xx
08/11/2021, 20:02
That would be gratefully received.
08/11/2021, 20:02
I dont usually get to join in live because of my little ones, but just wanted to say thanks to all of you for making this such a beautiful experience. It feels a little bit of a haven when i read everyones messages. So thank you
08/11/2021, 20:02
Me too. Sorry I haven't been able to hang out properly tonight 🙏🏼
08/11/2021, 20:03
Your all perfect as you are x
08/11/2021, 20:03
I just remembered in my young days I used to have a bath in horse tail grass
08/11/2021, 20:03
Really lovely to spend time with you all this evening. Enjoy your baths & I’ll see you next week xx