The many wonderful uses of nettle....
10/05/2021, 18:03
How is everyone feeling about growing nettle?
10/05/2021, 18:03
Nettle tea is good for reducing symptoms of hay fever
10/05/2021, 18:03
I was sorry to miss your last two getherings, but I’ve read all the info and now am happy thinking of my seeds farting out of their coats!
10/05/2021, 18:03
I have to say I was want me to grow a _weed_ on my windowsill? 🤔
10/05/2021, 18:04
Nettles - Yes blanching or running under the hot tap quickly makes you feel a bit safer from the stings and probably releases the goodness! I stir into pasta over heat that also does the trick. If anyone has any nettle recipes to share please do x
10/05/2021, 18:05
Hey! There’s no such thing as a WEED. It just a plant out of place.
10/05/2021, 18:05
I wonder if we can re-catagorise nettle as a vegetable?
10/05/2021, 18:05
Thanks for the welcome. I put nettles in my veg curry
10/05/2021, 18:06
It was the stomach of the Tollound Man, so officially the first known vegetable of Homo sapiens
10/05/2021, 18:07
It's a super antihistamine!
10/05/2021, 18:07
Nettle was also used to make the first ever string, fabric and ropes (so allowed us to make clothes and structures!)
10/05/2021, 18:09
Yea- big up the nettles and hemp
10/05/2021, 18:12
I sowed my Calendula last week then was away for 5 days , they’ve gone leggy
10/05/2021, 18:12
Excited to try nettle recipe
10/05/2021, 18:12
What does leggy mean? Like Naomi Campbell?
10/05/2021, 18:13
Kind of 😂🤣
10/05/2021, 18:35
is nettle tea safe during pregnancy?
10/05/2021, 18:36
The sting is essentially a hypodermic needle made out partly of silica (it’s one of the reasons why nettles are high in protein). So it’s like a glass needle and it breaks under high temperature or pressure.
10/05/2021, 18:37
Good Question any more experienced herbalists know an answer to this? I just Googled it and it seems the probably over-safe NHS recommend avoiding all herbal teas during pregnancy except maybe peppermint 🥱
10/05/2021, 18:37
yes conflicting info online
10/05/2021, 18:38
Helps with hemorroids and varicose veins
10/05/2021, 18:38
I might try that! 😊
10/05/2021, 18:39
Applied topically!?! Ouch
10/05/2021, 18:39
10/05/2021, 18:39
Hang on in there, I know there's a few women in this group with really great knowledge of herbalism. They might not all be active today but perhaps another week. In the mean time, @*********** result seems less sensational than the NHS...I think sometimes the warnings are shaped around a very concentrated version of the active compound. i.e. if you boiled a thousand nettles into a thimbleful of tea and drank that while pregnant, it might not be the best idea.
10/05/2021, 18:40
You can certainly eat them when pregnant so I can’t see why you can’t drink them.
10/05/2021, 18:40
I use to watch my grandad make and use nettle poultices on my grannies legs .
10/05/2021, 18:41
She wasn’t pregnant btw
10/05/2021, 18:41
Also I LOVE a poultice. Any excuse for one and I’m there
10/05/2021, 18:41
She had bad water retention in her legs
10/05/2021, 18:41
What is a poultice?
10/05/2021, 18:42
It really fascinated me
10/05/2021, 18:42
I am trying the tea for hemorrhoids and varicose veins 😊
10/05/2021, 18:42
It’s just mushed up plant material applied to the skin to soak in that way. It’s often used to draw out undesirables or a gentle way to take in large amounts of herbs.
10/05/2021, 18:44
Grandad would boil the nettles, let them cool and put them in her legs then wrap bandages around the legs to hold it in place
10/05/2021, 18:45
On her legs, Not in
10/05/2021, 18:45
Oh cool :)
10/05/2021, 18:45
You can gargle a nettle tea for throat conditions
10/05/2021, 18:45
Kinda like a green mushy paste
10/05/2021, 18:46
Blimey this is a nettle appreciation society if I ever saw one ⭐