tips for slugs
21/06/2021, 18:11
Has anyone with a garden, allotment or yard struggled with slugs and snails recently 🐌? I'm sure it's been the "wettest day on record" or something like that today
21/06/2021, 18:11
I’ve lost a few seedlings to slugs n snails
21/06/2021, 18:12
I tend to find the snails and throw them over the road into the field
21/06/2021, 18:12
I’m expecting slugs and have containers ready to take them out for a ride
21/06/2021, 18:12
Flying snails
21/06/2021, 18:12
Or perhaps there is something happening and you're not sure why....chomp marks taken from leaves, seedlings disappearing overnight. Perhaps our 🕵🏾♀️🕵🏼♀️detectives could help solve the mystery
21/06/2021, 18:12
Slugs are eating everything!
21/06/2021, 18:13
Some calendula have been munched but are big enough to keep growing. SJW & achillea doing ok in the polytunnel.
21/06/2021, 18:14
Any prevention methods? I used to put beer cans out when I had a roof terrace but was never sure whether I was preventing the slugs that were already there from eating my plants or if I was literally inviting all the neighbourhood slugs to a party with a free bar
21/06/2021, 18:14
I’ve used beer traps in the past, it does get very messy
21/06/2021, 18:16
You can use crushed sea shells or sheep’s wool is meant to be a good deterrent. Also rings of copper … like old bits of copper pipe
21/06/2021, 18:16
Has anyone used crushed eggshells?
21/06/2021, 18:16
So the copper rings go around the pots to stop them crawling in?
21/06/2021, 18:17
Slugs are a pain. But they are also your zen master cause they *mostly* eat weak things. It’s their role in the ecosystem. That and providing glue for the soil
21/06/2021, 18:17
I love a beer trap! But it does need to be deep enough otherwise they just get drunk and slime onwards!
21/06/2021, 18:17
Yes! I did do that and I think it works a bit but it doesn't last long as the shells go into the soil and get rained on etc.
21/06/2021, 18:17
I have to confess I use a particular type of pellet that messes with the slugs. They’re supposed to get tummy ache and not come back. So far so good only used it once. It’s plant and pet safe. 🥴
21/06/2021, 18:17
Yes or around the plants. You can get copper sticky tape too
21/06/2021, 18:17
I’ve used ‘slug be gone’ slug pellets in the past - pretty good. Sheep wool & bio deterrent
21/06/2021, 18:17
Ooooh that's interesting
21/06/2021, 18:17
Yeah, but the copper has to be active, i.e burnished rather than oxidised
21/06/2021, 18:17
Maybe it's less about protecting our plants and more about helping them to be strong
21/06/2021, 18:18
Crushed eggshells work well to deter slugs
21/06/2021, 18:18
Feels a bit like birds pushing the smallest ones out of the nest tho
21/06/2021, 18:18
I love Slug be gone! Cause it protected and feeds at the same time.
21/06/2021, 18:18
21/06/2021, 18:18
Good evening every one
21/06/2021, 18:19
I only worry about special things and put the plant pot in an old bowl of eggshells
21/06/2021, 18:19
That's a nice way of doing it
21/06/2021, 18:20
Also I didn’t put any babies anywhere near the slimly sods 🤣🤣🤣 I waited till they were big and bad 💪🏾
21/06/2021, 18:20
The best thing for deterring slugs is tapping into the soil food network at the right moment. So if you plant out a little lettuce too late in the day (slugs are mostly active at night ) and the soil around it is damp, it either has time to tap into the network (where it has to give up sugar from photosynthesis as a sort of tax to joining into the system) and it’s a sitting duck in a damp spot.
21/06/2021, 18:21
just taking that in.