23/08/2021, 18:52
By the way I have been sharing lots of Bay leaves with friends and family the more I take off the more leaves seem to appear . I saw on the internet it's so good for so many health benefits.
23/08/2021, 19:01
Yes there are many benefits I was told on holiday to write the word money or draw £ igns and keep in a wallet or purse too. Also to burn bay leaf to ward off evil spirits around the home
23/08/2021, 19:01
Oh my! *runs to grab a bay leaf for my wallet*
23/08/2021, 19:02
Do you write £ on the leaf? I’m going to try this
23/08/2021, 19:02
🥰 I’d be using the leaves stuffing them. Dolmas
23/08/2021, 19:03
I make a very good preserve of bay leaf, mashed garlic (lots) and salt (lots). After a few days the salt smells soooo good and it is excellent rubbed on a chicken to roast or potatoes or root vegetables
23/08/2021, 19:03
I need a lesson on making dolmas!
23/08/2021, 19:04
Good to know that !
23/08/2021, 19:04
I also add bay leaves in ice and meat dishes bay leaf means a less smelly kitchen.
23/08/2021, 19:05
23/08/2021, 19:06
Fish them out prior to serving
My oh hates fishing them out and cinnamon sticks they always add so much flavour
23/08/2021, 19:06
Also if any body suffers kidney stones bay leaf tea is great
23/08/2021, 19:08
You can draw £ signs or the word money.
23/08/2021, 19:08
I must admit I have burned bay leaves in the Kitchen when you come back after a while the atmosphere seems really clear and pleasant . I not tried it in my purse yet !
23/08/2021, 19:08
I put all my whole spices in a little mesh bag then just take the bag out after 👍🏾
23/08/2021, 19:10
My mum still does this I’m just too lazy to tie in bag lol
Also I cheat sometimes add 7 spice ground
23/08/2021, 19:10
I definitely going to try burning some bay. I can see how it would clear the air, so to speak.
23/08/2021, 19:11
It really does
23/08/2021, 19:11
I’ve put bay on a barbecue then cooked the food over the top …. It really flavours the food