Nelson, Lancashire, UK class="st0" cx="4.4" cy="3.4" r="0.8"/>

Tough love for seedlings

How to help seedlings along..

10/05/2021, 18:29
Seedlings need stimulus. One of the main issues with growing inside is that they don’t get of it

10/05/2021, 18:30
It is one of the reasons why you strike your seedlings.

10/05/2021, 18:30

10/05/2021, 18:30
Ahhh, do you think that's what happened to yours *******? My instinct would definitely be to pat it down neatly

10/05/2021, 18:30
What is strike?

10/05/2021, 18:30
Outside there would be rain and wind, little birds would knock them about. Bumblebees might sit in the seedlings

10/05/2021, 18:30
Stroke^ sorry 🤦🏼‍♀️

10/05/2021, 18:31
Wait, do you actually want us to _stroke_ our seedlings?

10/05/2021, 18:31
Too cute

10/05/2021, 18:31
I was about to go slap them

10/05/2021, 18:31

10/05/2021, 18:31
I’d rather stroke them

10/05/2021, 18:31
Anyway all sorts of things would knock the seedlings about. And we now know that all this stimuli does wonders to the roots

10/05/2021, 18:32
Welcome to the network and yes...stinging is an issue

10/05/2021, 18:33
It makes them grow stronger, send out more exudates (more them later) and generally grow mightier

10/05/2021, 18:33
So whisper to your seedlings, blow on them, stroke them and give them some rain to toughen up whenever you can.

10/05/2021, 18:34
I always blow on my seedlings